

All of our trainers are certified, which means they’ve been trained in anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. They understand that no two bodies are alike and will work with you to get fit at the right pace.


Jacob Finerty

Head Coach
Owner of BIG

Jacob Finerty, commonly referred to by his members and friends as The Bear is the one who will serve as a guide during your fitness journey. The Bear currently competes in Strongman and is a member of Team USA MAS Wrestling as a heavyweight. He has competed in multiple countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan and more. He has also been an assistant coach for two different schools assisting with the strength and conditioning programs..


Nadia Solis

Strength Training

Nadia was just your average person who finally said enough wanting, enough dreaming and decided to make it a reality. She has a passion for helping people discover their true potential and inner strength as her coach continues to do for her. You are much stronger than you know and she is going to prove it to you!